Looking for a new pair of sunglasses this summer? Beyond finding a stylish pair for the summer, it’s also important to find ones that will adequately block out the high-intensity UV radiation that can cause a range of eye conditions, from cataracts to cancer. So before you purchase, be sure to check out all you need to know about sunglasses in our guide to find the perfect mix between trendy and functional.


Want to know what the most popular styles are on the market today? Check them out below!

Aviator – This style was first designed to help pilots avoid harmful radiation when flying. Today, aviators are more for show than function but still offer quality UV protection through large lenses with a thick metal frame.

Browline – Recognizable by the thick top frame that runs across the browline, these often feature circular shaped lenses and come with ultra-thin rims on the bottom.

Round – Showcasing round lenses and a thick frame, these glasses are super trendy but don’t always block out the UV rays from the sides of your eyes.

Cat Eye – These lenses are designed to look like cat eyes with lenses that sweep up at the ends. They have good coverage and decent protection from the sun.

Sports Glasses – Fitted with smaller, polarized lenses, sports glasses often taper right at the temples. They have high optical quality and often visual enhancement features.

Prescription – Prescription glasses are designed to offer an improved vision to those with eye conditions while blocking out the harmful UV rays.


UVA/UVB Coatings

The sun emits harmful UV radiation that can cause more than just skin damage – the rays also can cause serious eye conditions. So before you purchase you should always check the label to find out how much UVA and UVB rays the glasses can reflect.  If they don’t block out 99 to 100% of both UVA and UVB, they’re not worth it. Just remember, even when the lenses are dark, it doesn’t mean it will actually block out the UV rays – always check the label.

Polarizing Film

The polarizing film is also important. Sunglasses that offer this feature will eliminate any glare that is reflected off of horizontal surfaces, bodies of water, and road surfaces that can damage your eyesight.

Anti-Reflective Coating

Back-glare and reflection can also impact your eyes. Anti-reflective coating on the lenses sits closest to your eyes and can help reduce glare while safeguarding your vision.

Mirror Coatings and Scratch Resistant Coatings

These two coatings are your first line of defence. They ensure that the surface of the lens is protected and that any bright light is deflected away.


The way the glasses sit also makes a difference. Sunglasses that wrap around your eyes will be better at blocking out the UV light as well as any flying debris and allergens. A proper pair should line up with the brow and provide enough protection on both sides of the eyes.Those sunglasses you find at the market or gas station may be affordable, but they often have poor UV protection. When you’re shopping for a brand that protects your eyes and lasts for more than one season, come see us at Laurier Optical. Our sunglasses experts will help you find the best style, shape, and fit for your face.