Do you suspect that you might have a vision problem, but aren’t sure? Many people live day to day with vision problems and don’t even know it. This is because certain problems like night blindness and colourblindness are not always easy to identify if they’ve formed very gradually or have existed for a period. That’s why it’s important to get an eye exam from your doctor every year. But for now, let’s look at the five common vision problems and associated systems that can give you a clue if you may have something to be concerned about.
Night Blindness
If you can’t see things very clearly at night, you may have night blindness. Many people are born with night blindness, but it can also develop as a degenerative disease. Not all types of night blindness can be fixed, but if you’re having difficulty seeing at night caused by a lack of vitamin A, nearsightedness, or cataracts, these are things that your doctor can remedy.
Colour Blindness
Do you find it difficult to make out the colour green or red on a traffic light? Or do some colours just look grey to you? If you answered yes to either of these, then you may be exhibiting signs of colour blindness. Colour blindness forms when the colour cells in your eye, called “cone cells,” are not working properly or are completely absent. In most cases, those with colour blindness are born with it, but some form it later in life through diseases and health complications. Currently, there is no treatment for this condition. However, special glasses can be worn to help you see colours more clearly.
Cataracts are a clouding of the eyes lens. When you have a cataract, light can’t get through to your retina, and you begin to see a glare or halo around items. Cataracts don’t always cause issues with your sight when they are small, but when they grow larger, they can start to affect your vision. If you suspect you have cataracts, it’s crucial to book an eye exam since its the most common cause of vision loss in those over 40 and is also the leading cause of blindness worldwide.
Glaucoma is a disease that causes damage to your optic nerve when fluid is left to build up in the front of the eye. The most common form has little to no warning signs beyond patchy spots, tunnel vision and halos, with an effect so gradual that it can go unnoticed until it’s at an advanced stage. And once there is vision loss, it cannot be recovered and can lead to blindness. So it’s crucial to have regular eye exams to check for any signs of the disease.
Lazy Eye
When someone has a ‘lazy eye,’ this means that one eye may move around while the other eye stays in place. This occurs when one of the eyes does not develop properly. Normally it develops at birth up until the age of 7 years old, so it’s important to check your children for signs of this condition. Symptoms include eyes that do not work together, eyes that wander, shutting or squinting of one eye, and head tilting. Vision problems can be avoided if the lazy eye is detected early enough in childhood to allow treatment to be more effective.
The reality is that many of these common vision problems and associated symptoms can go undetected until they develop into more serious conditions. This is why having regular eye examinations is so important for maintaining the health of your vision. So reach out to us today at Laurier Optical to have your eyes examined.